Biography of Hafizul Abdullah

Academic and Professional Background
Mohd Hafizul Afifi bin Abdullah is a Ph.D. candidate in Information Technology at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, specializing in Predictive Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning.
He is an alumnus of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
. He first delved into research during his undergraduate studies, under the guidance of his supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahreen Kasim. He published his first paper in 2016.
After earning his B.Sc. in CS from UTHM, he worked as a programmer at Gates IT Solution Sdn. Bhd.
for a year before pursuing for his M.Sc. IT. There, he served as a postgraduate researcher in the Soft Computing and Data Mining Centre, UTHM
. After completing his master’s degree, he served as a research officer at the Centre for Research in Data Science, UTP
and involved as assistant trainer at the UTP Centre for Advanced and Professional Education (CAPE)

Currently, Hafizul is pursuing a Ph.D. in Information Technology
at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
. His research interests include Information Extraction, Predictive Analytics, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning. As a MBOT-certified graduate technologist and IEEE Graduate Student Member, he regularly enrolls in certified courses and memberships to stay current with global standards:
- Deploying Hyper-Heuristic & Meta-Heuristic Algorithm Workshop
- Microsoft Azure Data Science Workshop
- Moving Research Forward with ScienceDirect

Community Involvement and Personal Interests
Hafizul is active in the open-source community, working with the Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team and Ubuntu Malaysia Translators. In 2011, he was awarded the King’s Scouts Award by the Scouts Association of Malaysia, an honor given by the King of Malaysia and all the Sultans in Malaysia.
In his free time, Hafizul shares his knowledge and ideas with others by maintaining a blog on IT and recent technology. His academic research works is available for access via publications page.